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Thanks to all those who came from across the country to our first reunion. 
Jim and Danise Baird
Tom and Anne Callahan
Richard and Lisa Campbell
Ray Carter
Jim Cornwell
Tom and Sharon Corrigan
Jack Easterling
Todd and Marian Ezell
John Gidmark
Bob Harlan
Bob and Barbara Harper
Jay and Naomi Kaskie
Ron and Jeanne Linn
Dick and Nancy Mathey
New York
Bill and Janet Music
Bob Quinn
Joe and Helen Sheyka
Dan and Helenmarie Shipp
Cal Sieg
Don Sims
C.J. and Lynne Spence
John and Alana Stanfield
John Storbeck
Harry and Carolyn Townsley
Mike and Terri Vogelsang
John and Pat Walendy
Joe and Barb Williams
David Wilson
New York
West Virginia
New Mexico

George Davis (West Virginia) had planned to attend but had to work through the weekend.  A surprise guest was Bill Orr, first platoon TAC, who's retired from the Army and lives and works in Northern Virginia.  Fourteen of the eighteen surviving members of the sixth platoon were there.  Two are out of the country and couldn't make it.   Each of the other platoons had at least one representative in attendance, and all left with a renewed determination to locate more 60th Company vets.Corrigan at the Wall

The Washington weather was pefect (except for the Saturday afternoon thunderstorm).  We toured the White House in the early morning. We visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to pay tribute to Tom Jones, Paul Magers and other fallen comrades and friends.  Some of the group visited Arlington National Cemetery, some attended services at the National Cathedral.  We ate and drank and did a little sightseeing in the free moments.   But mostly we talked, renewed old friendships, caught up on the last thirty years. 

Thanks to the people who made it possible.   First of all, to the wives and families who were patient and understanding when we suddenly started showing interest in those 30-year old photos and kept bringing up names they'd never heard before.  To Tom Corrigan and Ron Linn for working on the hotel arrangements.  To Tom again for the name badges with the vintage photos.  To Cal Sieg for the White House tour.  To John Walendy for making a coherent database out of our e-mails.  To the Shipps for making local arrangements, and especially to Helenmarie for agreeing to open her home to a bunch of strangers - although they certainly were no longer strangers by the time they got there Sunday morning.  To everyone whose determination to locate one more classmate meant that we were finding people a week before the event.

And of course, to our tireless organizer and inspiration C.J. Spence,  who decided last year that we should be back in touch after thirty years, and did something about it.


We posed for pictures at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 3/25/00.  CJ's nephew Greg Ainsworth borrowed a ladder from the Park Service and snapped away as people passed him their cameras.  Left to right:  Ezell, Shipp, Cornwell, Kaskie, Spence (behind), Gidmark, Linn, Williams, Wilson, Storbeck, Vogelsang, Music, Corrigan, Campbell, Baird, Walendy, Easterling, Harper, Sieg, Quinn, Sheyka. 

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OC2-70 Reunion I

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