FOLLOW ME TO FORT BENNING It was Hall of Fame Weekend at Fort Benning when OC2-70 held its third, and largest, reunion. Five of our class - Ray Carter, John Firth, Wayne Kanemoto, Ron Linn and Harold Roller - joined classmate Steve Nash in the Infantry OCS Hall of Fame. Before the ceremony, we joined Delta Co., 3/11 INF, an OCS comnpany about a week short of graduation, for lunch at their mess hall. They were gracious hosts, even if some were a little puzzled about the presence of a bunch of old farts who seemed to know the surroundings. It was a relaxed lunch, without having to perform for TACs.
The Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was in the auditorium at Infantry Hall. Afterwards there was a reception, a few photo ops, and a chance to say congratulations one more time to those classmates who'd made it to full colonel. Then it was back to the serious business of having fun, as we headed to the VFW on Victory Drive for a barbecue, and back to the headquarters hotel for refreshment and remembrances. Saturday we visited the Infantry Museum at Benning, posed for a group photo in our infantry blue polo shirts, toured Fort Benning and struggled to remember what all those places looked like 30 years ago. Sims even arranged for a stopover at Ranger Joe's, for those who needed to pick up some survival gear. The Saturday night banquet was a jacket-and-tie affair at the Fort Benning Officers Club, complete with speeches, a phoned-in appearance from classmate (and House Armed Services Committee Chairman) Duncan Hunter, and - what a surprise - sharing of memories. Thanks to all the organizers: Don Sims for hosting and local arrangements, Ron Linn for the shirts, and Tom Corrigan and Bob Harper for putting it all together.